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Friday, April 22, 2011


I'm back ! xoxo Many days never update my blog . I'm so busy .
I hate my scehdule , it is not that perfect as I wish .
I'll try to make it be more better :)

As the tittle named Girls .
Lets talk about girls .
I'm wondering why nowadays girls could make a lil thingy become a big doubt trouble ?

I'm not trying to point out who .

So please do not be so sensitive since I never put ur name out ! ^^

Girls , there is no point for u to care about a people that u dislike .
Please to be behave urself since u're too over to hurt a normal human .
Usually human can't describe how much is their painful and hurtful .

So , do U ?

As a human , we usually won't care about the people that we hated .
Do not spend your time on a guy / girl that u hate . That's true .
Spend your time on study , cosmestice , boyfriend or etc . But please do not spend ur time on a guy / girl that u hated .
I believe if u could spend ur time on study , definitely u can get a better result and u can prove to ur enemy that u're smater then he / she .

Next , some kind of girl . I means some kind . Really make people felt like WTF .
A lil misunderstand can lead their friendship to the end . It was like the world end day . LMAO !
Trustful and communicate is needed between each other .
If u aren't believe ur friend , please end the friendship and be HI-BYE Friend . That is a better way :)

Beside , on my situation I knew that I had met some girls that always pay attention on me .
They dislike me and hated me too .

I'm not that worth for u to spend ur time to read my blog , everythings that related to me .
Spend ur time with the people who u loves , cares and etc .

Remember , Mind Your Own Buisness .

Look at urself before criticize others . Everyone deserve chance to chance and improve themselves .
Everyone have their own feelings , not only urself .

Remember , ur boyfriend / best friend / close friend , even ur parents too .
No one is perfect ! Do not compare them with others and appreciate what do GOD gave it to you .

That is the most best damn things for u ( maybe , for me is definitely ) . Not to compare the things that U had , once u lost it . No one will know when it will return to u or maybe not return to u anymore too .

Love ur parents more .
Just like Daphne Charice love her mum so much .  
Parents do educate you and spend alot for u .
Do not blame them if they aren't perfect , because no one is perfect .
Feel grateful and proud because U got it , the most important thing in ur life .

Love urself more if u hate ur family .
Love urself more and pay more efforts on study .
Make sure that U love urself more than everythings , treat urself good.
Be lovely and friendly . Do not hurt urself since this world no one love u .

Enhance ur knowledge when u're young .
Enhance everything from this world , the world is very beautiful .
Do not blame everythimgs on ur life , be positive .

Remember , if the whole world leave u , Please not to give up :)

Learned to be positive currently .
This post is quite long . I love it !

People who hated me , please leave my blog and F* off .
I rather spend my time with my friend on starbuck have my Green Tea Blended also don't wanna spend my time to view ur blog .
Waste time , Waste Energy , Waste Electric , Do U Realise it ?

Is time to leave :)

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